Setting The Fox to Guard The Hen House. The Blind Leading The Blind. Psychiatry’s Grand Confession.

I don’t understand how I’m so late to this uptake.

Psychiatric drugs are now a commodity, consumers passively learning to live with and in many instances enjoy. Discovered by accident and lacking an explanation in relation to why they worked. Initially it appeared that psychiatry had found magical pills which ‘fixed’ depression. Doctors attributed the success of psychiatric drugs to chemical imbalances in their patient’s brains which were fixed as a result. Friedman told Times readers, “just because an S.S.R.I. antidepressant increases serotonin in the brain and improves mood, that does not mean that serotonin deficiency is the cause of the disease”.

I now see my psychiatrist as my state-licenced drug dealer. Specialising in ‘mood-altering’ drugs just like street dealers. “Irving Kirsch’s meta‑analysis of antidepressant trials revealed as being just as efficacious as the SSRIs was … heroin”. The chemical imbalance theory is a sham; used merely to reassure people.  No test result can demonstrate that your brain has a chemical imbalance. The pharmaceutical companies appear to have no idea how exactly their psychiatric drugs work, with no confirmable tests that there is a chemical imbalance.

I have always said that psychiatry and psychology were areas of grey, I misunderstood that our complete diagnosis was based on theories and not concrete scientific data. We are medicated based on our symptoms and the current DSM.  I feel violated by the advertisements, a victim of marketing programs, nicely hiding their lack of knowledge about why their treatments work. I’ve been actively sold repeatedly by the psychiatry industry on the concept that bipolar disorder was a chemical imbalance.

Ronald Pies’ article in Psychiatric Times “Psychiatry’s New Brain-Mind and the Legend of the Chemical Imbalance” acknowledges that the chemical imbalance theory is falsified, merely promoted by pharmaceutical companies even though the psychiatry community were aware that this theory was incorrect. Many patients are given the rationale that the illness is based off a chemical imbalance. The concept of chemical imbalance is definitely last-century thinking, low serotonin levels aren’t likely to cause depression as a study has shown that a normal person depleted on serotonin doesn’t become depressed, maybe an abnormality in the serotonin system instead.

Psychiatry has failed to debunk the chemical imbalance hypothesis which misled public opinion. We have been collectively labelled bipolar, restricted to categorisations and a diagnosed ‘box’ of people with a variety of different aetiologies, believing us to be all the same. It’s becoming an over-common diagnosis; the frequency of both legal and illicit drugs playing a vital role in facilitating mania and the diagnostic criteria for a bipolar diagnosis which has expanded with each new DSM.

I’m going to begin the road to un-diagnose myself, believing that I suffered from Iatrogenesis in relation to drug-induced hypomania. My hypomania was a reaction from anti-depressants, I am aware of the counter argument that I was still hypomanic after the medication had completely left my system, but I still believe there is a point to be argued. I’m going to conduct a new search for holistic well-being and medication free approaches.

FEB 2015 update: A holistic approach has currently failed,  send reinforcements.

24 thoughts on “Setting The Fox to Guard The Hen House. The Blind Leading The Blind. Psychiatry’s Grand Confession.”

  1. There is a lot the scientific community don’t know and it is good to stay as informed as possible. Hope you have people to support you – I don’t know much about bipolar but had a friend (interstate) that went of her meds and it didn’t end well…take care

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Have you heard of Tonya Kay? She is a vibrant performer who withdrew from her meds after 7 years of treatment for manic depression. She talks about it in a youtube video titled Manic Depression(Bipolar) and Raw Food. She was successful and is happy with her choice, although she says it was very tough for about 6 months. Good Luck to you!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s a good reminder that psychiatric medicine is a trial-and-error guessing game and that our doctors don’t know shit, but if my psych meds were working for me, it might not be a good idea for me to quit them. My sister refused to take her anti-depressant because she became paranoid that it was poisonous. Unfortunately, that medicine was really helping her. Psych meds are complicated.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My mood stabilisers are surprisingly working, but I wonder if I ever needed them or it was merely a reaction to other medication, either way I will find out eventually. Hope your medication works out for you x

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  3. Really interesting post! I have studied the emergence of psychotropic drugs in the mid 20th Century, and the theories (or lack of) behind their mechanisms of change. This is a topic of real interest to me, and would be delighted to recommend some interesting texts that you might find interesting. My favourite article is an infamous one about the ‘catecholamine’ hypothesis, I think written in the 1970s, that suggests the role of serotonin in mood. What the authors did NOT say though is that these mechanisms were causal, so it seems that pharmaceutical companies really jumped on that bandwagon!
    Would be happy to discuss these topics further – have researched these topics lots over the years! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Like I have said, I would rather be “unbalanced” NATURALLY —– INSTEAD OF PHARMACOLOGY ATTEMPTING TO “BALANCE” ME.!
    TO SEE DR’S UNQUESTIONABLY GUILTY OF CULPABLE NEGLIGENCE -(disregard for human life, or for the safety of persons exposed to its dangerous effects)

    I’m not just referring to psychiatric medications— What about these Dr’s who are prescribing opiates –WAY STRONGER THAN WHAT THE PATIENT WOULD NEED!!!!-(NOT MENTIONING SPECIFIC ONES)

    Anyway, it’s good that you have started to question and raise awareness to this issue. Everyone should question, research, and be aware of all the possible risks vs rewards of any medication they are being prescribed.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. It should be more up to each individual to decide what is ultimately best for each person, sick of medication being shoved doen people’s throats. Its a never ending battle, but knowledge and careful planning are necessary to be successful to navigate the continuous medical cycle. It is definitely an angering topic, i feel lied and betrayed by the psychiatry industry, live and learn i guess. Lesson has definitely been learned.

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  5. That’s nice that you’ve made your choice. I wish you the best of luck. I’m sure you’ve done your research but the are special doctors who deal specifically with people coming of onpsychiatric medications. The withdrawal can be awful especially the longer you’ve been on it. Good luck!

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  6. I wish you well on your new search for your personal identity. Medical diagnoses can be risky in forming the basis of your seeing yourself as being sick in a particular way. And of having to trust doctors to “fix” you according to their diagnosis. Self-diagnosis is perhaps even more dangerous, but sometimes it’s all that we’ve got. I firmly believe that your personal search in conjunction with the best advice you can find in the healing literature will lead you on the path that is best for you. Consult yourself deeply and often so you can learn how to navigate your own course.

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    1. Its always good to do what you think is best for yourself and I don’t have a problem with who I am on and off medication, with or without a diagnosis, eh it feels like I’ve made my path longer and harder sometimes. I think knowledge is truly essential. Thankyou for you feedback, I definitely agree with what you’ve said, think more people should take it on board.


  7. Pharmaceuticals are a big business in this country, and natural remedies and good nutrition are not advocated as prescriptions are. It is a shame. I am a retired nurse that turned to eastern medicine and philosophies. The nature of mental health treatment, or the lack of it, is disgraceful to me. Seems it is based on bottom line and not wellness.

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    1. I think people need to take much more consideration when putting things in their bodies, whether it be medication or something else. People are very one minded in the belief that prescription medicines are the best option. Its annoying that the pharmaceutical companies dominate the propaganda based media. It’s always good to hear from people with experience. Thank you!

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  8. I was sitting thinking what my next casual-literature-review would be and here you are, giving me a fantastic subject. I am a passionate holistic nutritional medicine student. I love the way you write and you have inspired me, thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I went through diagnosis and treatment. I had a great psychiatrist he prescribed a anti-seizure medication that worked. My troubles were exastrabated by active alcoholism, and once I quit drinking I had real problems. Anyway, I took that medication for 5 years and attended Alcoholics Anonymous meetings while I worked the 12 steps with a sponsor. At 5 years under outpatient care I stopped taking my meds. I freaked out and almost lost my job and went back on for a year. Situation and stress of life were and my coping/social skills were the big problem. I had some lingering pains of my childhood which gave me anxiety. Once I was able to make my peace with my past, I came off my medication successfully. Today it’s being mindful of stimulus (people and stressors) diet (sugars and caffeine) and spiritual as well as physical fitness.
    I’m better than ever and continue to improve. I agree with all you said and have seen th bipolar Mia diagnosis of depression and anti-depresent treatment causing mania and anxiety. Dr.’s can really screw people up with the wrong meds. All the best to you, positive reinforcement and reliance upon God is what I use today. I’m not a preachy holy roller, that’s just what works for me, know your worth because you’re more precious than all the riches of the world , ~ J ~


  10. Hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog. You make some interesting points here, that I hadn’t seen before. Have you ever heard about the research of Dr William Walsh in the US? He’s got a massive database of blood samples from people with various symptoms. He has correlated their symptoms/diagnoses with things like metal (such as Cu and Zn) and methylation imbalances. His book Nutrient Power talks about what goes haywire in the metabolic processes to cause the imbalances. Dr Walsh advocates targeted nutrient therapy. He’s frustrated with Big Pharma and the 90% of physicians who just want to prescribe medication, period. Here’s a link: Just something you might find interesting…. Cheers–


  11. I agree completely with this article! I have never been diagnosed with depression or any other mental disorder, but things have been rough lately. My mother suggested that I go to a therapist, but I knew that, were I diagnosed with something, they would most likely put me on medication. And, to her to my actual point, I do not want to take any medication that messes with my mind or my emotions. What you wrote, it basically sums up everything I feel is shady about certain medications, and I will definitely show this to people when they question my decisions concerning these topics.


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